Awards, Recognition & Highlights

We have been recognized by our clients and by the legal and business communities for our leadership as a labor and employment law firm. Here are several of our recent awards, honors and highlights.

Terry J. Smith
Laura A. White

Robert R. Duda Jr.

Selected as Illinois Super Lawyers in Labor and Employment Law for 2025

Linda K. Stevens

Selected as an Illinois Super Lawyer in Intellectual Property Litigation for 2025

January, 2025

Terry J. Smith, Laura A. White, Robert R. Duda Jr. and Linda K. Stevens Named Leading Lawyers

Terry J. Smith, Laura A. White and Robert R. Duda Jr. Recognized as Top Employment Lawyers for Management in Leading Lawyers Network for 2025

Linda K. Stevens Recognized as Top Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets Lawyer in Leading Lawyers Network for 2025

Terry J. Smith, Laura A. White, Robert R. Duda Jr. and Linda K. Stevens have been selected for inclusion in the Leading Lawyers Network, published by Law Bulletin Publishing Company in Chicago.

January, 2025

Chambers and Partners Recognizes
Smith O’Callaghan & White as

Top Labor and Employment Firm in Chicago

Smith O’Callaghan & White has been ranked by Chambers and Partners as a top labor and employment firm in Chicago in its Illinois Spotlight 2025 Guide.

In its independent review of the firm published on September 10, 2024, Chambers and Partners noted:

“Chicago-based Smith O’Callaghan & White is a highly regarded firm in the labor and employment space. Its practitioners are adept at handling matters arising from allegations of harassment, wrongful discharge and breach of fiduciary duty. The team is also noted for its ability to assist clients with internal investigations concerning violations of the FCA.”

The Chambers and Partners Spotlight rankings were awarded to select small and medium size firms in Chicago. These ranked firms were recognized for their strengths in key practice areas, and selected based on an independent and in-depth market analysis by Chambers and Partners, coupled with an assessment of experience, expertise and caliber of talent.

Chambers and Partners is based in London and New York. It is a leading lawyer ranking service utilized by corporate counsel.

This is a link to the ranking:

September, 2024

Terry J. Smith
Laura A. White

Robert R. Duda Jr.

Selected as Illinois Super Lawyers in Labor and Employment Law for 2024

Linda K. Stevens

Selected as an Illinois Super Lawyer in Intellectual Property Litigation for 2024

January, 2024

Best Lawyers Recognizes
Smith O’Callaghan & White as

Best Lawyers in America for 2024

Smith O’Callaghan & White has been selected by Best Lawyers to its list of the Best Lawyers in America for 2024


January, 2024

Terry J. Smith
Laura A. White

Robert R. Duda Jr.

Selected as Illinois Super Lawyers in Labor and Employment Law for 2023

Linda K. Stevens

Selected as an Illinois Super Lawyer in Intellectual Property Litigation for 2023

January, 2023

Terry J. Smith
Robert R. Duda Jr.

Selected as Illinois Super Lawyers in Labor and Employment Law for 2022

Linda K. Stevens

Selected as an Illinois Super Lawyer in Intellectual Property Litigation for 2022

January, 2022

Terry J. Smith
Robert R. Duda Jr.

Selected as Illinois Super Lawyers in Labor and Employment Law for 2021

Linda K. Stevens

Selected as an Illinois Super Lawyer in Intellectual Property Litigation for 2021

January, 2021

Terry J. Smith
Laura A. White

Robert R. Duda Jr.

Selected as Illinois Super Lawyers in Labor and Employment Law for 2020

Linda K. Stevens

Selected as an Illinois Super Lawyer in Intellectual Property Litigation for 2020

January, 2020

Robert R. Duda Jr. Named to Lawyers of Distinction

Selected as a Lawyer of Distinction in Labor and Employment Law for third consecutive year, 2018-2020

December, 2019

Terry J. Smith Named to America’s Top 100 High Stakes Litigators

Selected as High Stakes Litigator in Employment & Labor Law for 2019

Inclusion is limited to top 100 attorneys in each state

October, 2019

Terry J. Smith and Linda K. Stevens Named Leading Lawyers

Terry J. Smith Recognized as Top Employment Lawyer for Management in Leading Lawyers Network for 2019

Linda K. Stevens Recognized as Top Intellectual Property and Trade Secrets Lawyer in Leading Lawyers Network for 2019

Terry J. Smith and Linda K. Stevens have been selected for inclusion in the Leading Lawyers Network, published by Law Bulletin Publishing Company in Chicago.

June, 2019

Illinois Super Lawyers Names Terry J. Smith,
Laura A. White and Linda K. Stevens for 2019

Terry J. Smith
Illinois Super Lawyer in Labor and Employment Law, 13 consecutive years, 2007-2019

Laura A. White
Illinois Super Lawyer in Labor and Employment Law, 10 consecutive years, 2010-2019

Linda K. Stevens
Illinois Super Lawyer in Intellectual Property Litigation, 14 consecutive years, 2006-2019

January, 2019

Smith O’Callaghan & White webinar sponsored by
Select Counsel

Terry J. Smith, Robert R. Duda Jr. and Linda K. Stevens were speakers and presenters in a webinar for corporate in-house counsel:

“Non-Competes, Trade Secrets, Departing Employees and Raiding:”

Key Tips for In-House Counsel to Protect Your Company’s Interests”

Link to Webinar

June, 2018

Linda K. Stevens was a speaker and presenter in a webinar sponsored by Wolters Kluwer

“The Defend Trade Secret Act:
Practical Lessons and Strategic Tips”

Link to Webinar

The webinar was a follow-up to a book co-authored by Linda K. Stevens, “Defend Trade Secrets Act Handbook” (Wolters Kluwer, 2016)

Link to Book

May, 2018

Linda K. Stevens Joins Firm

Former Schiff Hardin Partner
Leading Lawyer in Departing Employee, Non-Compete
and Trade Secret Cases

We are pleased to announce that Linda K. Stevens, formerly a partner with Schiff Hardin LLP in Chicago, has joined our firm effective April 2, 2018. Ms. Stevens, who was with Schiff Hardin for more than 30 years, is one of the preeminent lawyers in the United States for departing employee, non-compete and trade secret issues, and has represented employers in many significant cases in those areas. She will be Of Counsel with our firm and continue her practice. Ms. Stevens and Terry J. Smith, early in their careers, practiced law together at Schiff Hardin before our firm was established in 2000.

Ms. Stevens was the Co-Chair of Schiff Hardin’s Trade Secrets and Restrictive Covenants Client Service Team for more than ten years, as well as the long-standing Co-Chair of an American Bar Association Subcommittee on Trade Secrets. She has authored many papers, articles and book chapters regarding intellectual property protection and non-competition agreements, including the “Trade Secret Remedies” chapter of the Intellectual Property Handbook (IICLE) and various chapters of the Defend Trade Secrets Act Handbook (Wolters Kluwer). Ms. Stevens has twice been named one of the Top 50 Women Lawyers in Illinois by Super Lawyers.

April, 2018

Robert R. Duda Jr. and Terry J. Smith again published in Law360 on departing employee, non-compete and trade secret issues.

Link to Law360, February 1, 2018, Article
PDF of Article

February, 2018

Illinois Super Lawyers Names Terry J. Smith and
Laura A. White for 2018

Terry J. Smith
Named Illinois Super Lawyer, 12 consecutive years, 2007-2018

Laura A. White
Named Illinois Super Lawyer, 9 consecutive years, 2010-2018

January, 2018

Illinois Leading Lawyers Names Terry J. Smith for 2018 Labor & Employment Law

January, 2018

Terry J. Smith
Laura A. White

Selected as Illinois Super Lawyers in Labor and Employment Law for 2017

January, 2017

Terry J. Smith
Mary Aileen O’Callaghan

Recognized as Top Employment Lawyers for Management in Leading Lawyers Network for 2017

Terry J. Smith and Mary Aileen O’Callaghan have been selected for inclusion in the Leading Lawyers Network, published by Law Bulletin Publishing Company in Chicago.

January, 2017

Robert R. Duda Jr. Elected Partner
Smith O’Callaghan & White 2000-2013, 2016-Present

Smith O’Callaghan & White is proud to announce that Robert R. Duda Jr. has become a Partner in the Firm

March, 2016

Terry J. Smith
Laura A. White

Again Named Illinois SuperLawyers in Labor and Employment Law for 2016

January, 2016

CorporateINTL Global Award
Client Choice – Employment Law Firm of the Year in Illinois, 2016

January, 2016

Smith O’Callaghan & White was a Sponsor of the Chicago Law Bulletin’s 8th Annual Employment Law Conference on September 19, 2013, Chicago, Illinois

Terry J. Smith was a speaker and panelist with U.S. District Court Judge Rebecca R. Pallmeyer on recent developments in retaliation law and avoidance of retaliation claims in the workplace.

January, 2016

Terry J. Smith
Mary Aileen O’Callaghan
Laura A. White

Again Named Illinois Super Lawyers in Labor and Employment Law for 2015

Each of the named partners of Smith O’Callaghan & White again selected as Illinois Super Lawyers in Labor and Employment Law for 2015-2007

January, 2015

Robert R. Duda. Jr.

Selected again by his peers and recognized as an
Illinois Rising Star in Labor and Employment Law, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

January, 2014

Mary Aileen O’Callaghan

Again Named Among Top 50 Women Lawyers in Illinois

The new Top 50 Women Lawyers in Illinois list by Super Lawyers
magazine for 2012 once again includes Mary Aileen O’Callaghan, Partner. She received the same recognition in 2010.

January, 2012

Terry J. Smith
Fellow, Litigation Counsel of America

Terry J. Smith has been inducted as a Fellow in Litigation
Counsel of America, the national trial lawyers honorary society.

January, 2010

Smith O’Callaghan & White
Delivers as One of Best in Employment Law in
The 2009 BTI Client Relationship Scorecard: Ranking Law Firm-Client Relationships

On June 5, 2009, the BTI Consulting Group, the independent researcher and consultant to law firms and corporate counsel, issued The 2009 BTI Client Relationship Scorecard: Ranking Law Firm-Client Relationships, citing Smith O’Callaghan & White in the following categories:

  • A primary law firm delivering best in employment law for corporate counsel. See“Practice Rankings: Which Primary Firms Deliver Best,” page 52; and
  • A law firm leader in the industrial manufacturing sector. See“Industry Rankings: Law Firm Leaders in 18 Industries,” page 32.

The scorecard is based on BTI’s independent interviews with more than 550 corporate counsel at large and Fortune 1000 organizations recently concluded in March, 2009. The scorecard cites only those law firms specifically identified by name by corporate counsel in the interviews.

There are only 411 law firms worldwide cited in the scorecard (out of thousands of law firms). BTI uses several different metrics to gauge client satisfaction and renders an analysis of the law firms mentioned by name in the extensive interviews.

The 2009 BTI Client Relationship Scorecard: Ranking Law Firm-Client Relationships, can be found at the website of the BTI Consulting Group,

Smith O’Callaghan & White pays no consideration to the BTI Consulting Group for this recognition. BTI’s research results are independent and unbiased.

June, 2009

Smith O’Callaghan & White is named to the BTI Client Service A-Team 2009

For the second consecutive year, we have received this distinction based on the BTI Consulting Group’s nationwide survey of corporate counsel. This survey identifies those law firms nationally achieving excellence in client service and outstanding client satisfaction.

  • One of only a few boutique law firms in the United States so honored.
  • The only boutique law firm in Chicago so honored.

The BTI survey results were based on interviews of 270 corporate counsel at large and Fortune 1000 companies to assess all aspects of client relationships, including client focus and satisfaction. The interviews were conducted between May 1 and September 15, 2008. The 2009 survey results can be found at the BTI website:

The BTI survey for 2009 – as it did in 2008 – specifically named Smith O’Callaghan & White to the Honor Roll of Law Firms as delivering outstanding client service in the following categories:

  • Best at Client Focus
  • Best at Understanding the Client’s Business
  • Best at Regional Reputation
  • Best at Unprompted Communications
  • Best at Dealing with Unexpected Changes
  • Best at Anticipating the Client’s Needs

January, 2009

Smith O’Callaghan & White was recognized along with some of the largest law firms in the United States and internationally in BTI Power Rankings 2008: The BTI Client Relationship Scorecard for Law Firms

Smith O’Callaghan & White was identified by name in this 2008 survey based on in-depth interviews with corporate counsel. Smith O’Callaghan & White was specifically identified in the survey in the following categories:

  • “BTI Power Rankings, Suitors Moving Up in Rank”
  • “The Law Firm Line-Up, Primary Law Firms”
  • “Client Votes of Confidence: Go-To Law Firms, Client Short Listers”
  • “BTI Power Rankings by Company Size, Fortune 100-500 Primary Law Firms”
  • “Practice Area Power Rankings, Employment Primary Law Firms”

The survey was based on more than 400 in-depth interviews with corporate counsel representing 28% of the Fortune 100, 11% of the Global 500 and more than 15 industries.

SeeBTI Power Rankings 2008: The BTI Client Relationship Scorecard for Law Firms, a national study published by The BTI Consulting Group, Wellesley, Massachusetts, pages 26, 33, 41, 70 and 89. For further information, please visit the BTI website:

July, 2008

Smith O’Callaghan & White Selected Best-in-Class in National Legal Market Study

Smith O’Callaghan & White was selected as best-in-class in a national study based on the firm’s visibility and high recognition level among corporate counsel who select outside law firms.

In BTI’s Survey of National Market Awareness for Law Firms 2008, published in June, 2008, Smith O’Callaghan & White captured best-in-class recognition as a boutique labor and employment law firm.

The study conducted by BTI Consulting Group asked corporate counsel about their awareness and perception of law firms in areas such as the ability to provide desired client service and innovative approaches to client service and technology. BTI Consulting Group is a respected leader in research for law firms and General Counsel.

The results of the 3-year study were based on more than 1,700 individual telephone interviews conducted with corporate counsel at companies and financial institutions across the country.

We are pleased to be recognized by corporate counsel in this study.

A link to the study, including an executive summary, can be found on the website of BTI Consulting Group, Wellesley, Massachusetts,

June, 2008

Smith O’Callaghan & White Named A “Go-To Law Firm” in survey by Corporate Counsel magazine

For its annual “Who Represents America’s Biggest Companies” issue, the magazine surveyed General Counsel at the Fortune 500, asking which law firms they turn to for assistance.

Smith O’Callaghan & White was named a “Go-To Law Firm” in the practice area of Labor and Employment law.

According to Corporate Counsel magazine, less than one-half of one percent of all law firms in the U.S. and abroad are selected for the “Go-To Law Firm” list. A firm cannot pay to be included on the list. Firms selected by General Counsel at the top 500 companies make the list.

We thank our clients for this recognition of our efforts on their behalf.

June, 2008

Smith O’Callaghan & White ranked
among best law firms in United States for exceptional client service in survey of corporate counsel conducted by BTI Consulting Group

The results of this national survey are set forth in the report:
BTI Client Service A-Team 2008:
The Survey of In-House Counsel on Client Service

Smith O’Callaghan & White was specifically recognized as a law firm delivering outstanding client service in this national survey of corporate counsel in the following six categories:

  • Client focus
  • Understanding the client’s business
  • Regional reputation
  • Unprompted communication bolstering client loyalty
  • Dealing with unexpected changes
  • Anticipating the needs valued by corporate clients

There were 251 law firms nationally named to the “Client Service A-Team,” including some of the largest and most visible law firms in the country. We are honored to be in such company.

We thank our clients for this recognition.

The results were based on BTI Consulting Group’s interviews with corporate counsel at the Fortune 1000 and other large companies regarding their needs, spending and satisfaction with outside law firms.

A link to this report can be found on the website of BTI Consulting Group, Wellesley, Massachusetts,

January, 2008

Mary Aileen O’Callaghan to celebrate 10 years as Fellow
in the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers

Smith O’Callaghan & White is proud to announce that 2008 will mark Mary Aileen O’Callaghan’s 10-year anniversary as a Fellow in the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers.

The prestigious College of Labor and Employment Lawyers honors leading lawyers in the practice of labor and employment law and strives to promote achievement, advancement and excellence in the practice while providing a forum for discussion and collegiality among its Fellows.

Election as a Fellow is the highest recognition by one’s colleagues of sustained outstanding performance in the profession, exemplifying integrity, dedication and excellence.

January, 2008